I've been away from the BLOG for about a week.
And there really has been very good cause - Two friends from Colorado came to visit, AND it was Tom's 60th birthday.
It's been a hectic few weeks - I'll start with the friends, good things always start with friends.
Kathy and Benney decided to coincide their visits with us this year. We all used to live together in Colorado Springs, well not together together, but all in Colorado Springs and we'd get together with some regularity. Now Kathy lives in Durango, we are here in Mérida, and Benney keeps us up to date on current affairs in Colorado Springs.
So what do you do with friends when they come to visit and you really mostly want to visit and catch up -
You lay around the pool

You get them to walk your dog (and any other household chores you can manage)

You show them around the hood
La Ermita

We kept expecting either flames to erupt, or the ground to quake as we strolled the hallowed grounds, thankfully we made it through the church property without incident
We took in some museumsThe Macay outdoor sculpture exhibit

You take them to the beach -

Where you Sit and Chat

Drink a few beers

Eat some botana
Support the economy by shopping

Enjoy the beach scenery

We really did have a lovely visit, we shopped, ate, laughed, drank a bit, and I believe I speak for us all, look forward to doing it all over again!
Till next time amigas!