
What are you doing for Earth Hour, Earth Day?

Earth Hour 2010: Saturday March 27, 8:30 PM

In September 2008 I posted Apagon Mundial - There were a few nay sayers, but apparently it is now a part of Earth Day celebrations arond the world.  has a pretty good post about today's Earth Day event of outing your lights, and other electronics as well.  It also includes links to some pretty cool other sites.

From the site - On March 27, 2010, millions of people will turn off their lights for an hour, at 8:30 PM local time, to celebrate Earth Hour. "Since its inception three years ago, Earth Hour's non-partisan approach has captured the world's imagination and became a global phenomenon," says Earth Hour's official U.S. site. "Nearly one billion people turned out for Earth Hour 2009--involving 4,100 cities in 87 countries on seven continents. Last year, 80 million Americans and 318 U.S. cities officially voted for action with their light switch, joining iconic landmarks from around the world that went dark for Earth Hour"--like the Empire State Building, Brooklyn Bridge, Las Vegas Strip, Big Ben, and Sydney's Opera House. Check out Earth Hour social media tools here and also at the Earth Hour Blog; bloggers are encouraged to blog about Earth Hour, and many are already doing so.

Go to 's post on the EVENT - check it out

What are you doing for Earth Hour?