OK, so I went to the store and selected a bottle, a 2010 Santa Silvia Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon from Argentina. Then I grabbed a second bottle, just in case, then I thought this is ridiculous to not have something I can just open for no special reason at all, so I grabbed 2 bottles of Concha y Toro Reserva Carmenere.
So I used one of the Santa Silvia's for the bourgignon, well I used most of it. Gads its taking me a long time with this to go back and correct the typos with this tiny keyboard. I'm using the netbook since the laptop died, and I'm pretty sure it's dead. I even tried sr. Calypso's suggestion of turning it on while holding it upside down. Now I don't know if that is a legitimate troubleshooting technique, or if he was just having his way with me, but I tried it - It didn't work!
Oh, and of course I had to try the wine, I mean really, you don't cook with a wine you don't like. Hey this Santa Silvia is pretty darn tasty. I got it at the Chedraui on Itzaes for 73pesos. I need to go buy more, I like it.
It reduced down nicely, along with the other stuff needed and is now imparting all that lovliness in to the mushroom mixture. It's sitting there, waiting, waiting for the finishing touches that will come tonight about 9pm. actually it's keeping itself warm in the crock pot, how handy are crock pots?
And since I tried a bit of the wine, just a small amount mind you, I'm sure it was a small amount, wasn't it? I decided that since I had gone to bed last night about midnight, and got up about 5am, and that we'd have friends here tonight maybe I should lay down and nap for a bit. And wine, well actually any alcohol is good for sleeping, I mean it is a depressant isn't it. Although sometimes it gets you all wound up and that seems counter to the medical claims that it is a depressant. So I go get in my hammock thinking I will no sooner get my head down than I will be out. I'm lying there, swaying ever so gently, Then I thought maybe I should tell Tom to wake me up, then I thought about the wine, I really like this wine, when did I start drinking wine, gosh I like wine, I sure drink alot more beer here, here meaning in Mexico. Back in the US I rarely ever drank beer, well except when I was a kid, It's funny isn't it, about being a kid and drinking. I can remember being a kid, and I had a fake id and went in to a 7/11 and bought Generic Beer, I mean really, Generic Beer. But I can also remember drinking Southern Comfort, now that is some nasty stuff. I can't remember why we had it so often, was it from someones family stock, was it super cheap?????
Then I started thinking about other ugly stuff that happened to me as a kid, stuff I never talk about. Why don't I talk about it???
Then I started thinking about blogging, and I thought oh, I know one reason I like to blog, you guys listen, you don't interrupt, If you have a question or comment you wait until I'm done, you don't interrupt me!
Oh Yeah, the mushroom bourgignon, I couldn't find wide egg noodles, so I bought just regular pasta but the shapes are a largish cup or shell shape, should hold on to the mushroom and sauce nicely.
I probably shouldn't drink and blog, maybe I should have that made up as a bumper sticker, but where would you put it? On the car??? Oh, car, on the way to Chedraui I stopped to put some gas in the car, it was nearly empty, and as I'm standing there chatting with the station attendant I notice he's a bit schmutzy in his short sleeve shirt, and I realize I'm actually warm, and I realize I'm in jeans, and a long sleeve shirt. So I comment to him, in Spanish, How weird it is to come outside, when inside the house is cold and you've dressed for the perceived temperature outside, based on the temperature inside house. He replied, yes, it's warm outside!
Gads, I have people coming tonight, I need to straighten up, sweep, do the dishes, get out the plates and bowls, crap I don't have 13 bowls, do I have any disposable bowls, good grief! I should have made a list before I went to the store, but I needed that wine to finish the bourginon, That's good wine......I should go buy some more!