Also for this evening we had a Posada. This is a very traditional Mexican event, religious in nature, but also very community oriented. Unfortunately I didn't get any photos of this, but it was held at Dulce and Richard's house. Dulce is a powerhouse woman with endless energy and enthusiasm. She arranged with neighbors, prepared food, ponche, pinatas, rental chairs for the crowd...
Anyway, the organizer arranges for the Posada to visit and be welcomed at homes in the neighborhood - the Posada is a re-creation of Maria y Josef searching for lodging, it is done in song with Maria y Josef singing and asking for lodging and then when the doors of the house are opened the inhabitants sing back a greeting and welcome. This happens in many of the smaller more traditional neighborhoods. The Posada, is about 10-12 people, the singing is loud and sing song, there are palm bearers, etc.
So when the Posada had made its way around the neighborhood and got back to Dulce's there was food, more ponche, pinatas, visiting, etc.
It was a really fun evening, I hope to snag a few photos of the event and set them in for you to see.