
Back from Puebla and Oaxaca

Just got in from our trip, and instead of putting stuff away, doing laundry, studying for
Spanish class tomorrow, or trying to come up with something for dinner - I am drinking beer and checking email, Facebook, and blogging. What a slouch!

Trip was action packed 7 days. Lots of pics, lots of stories, and a really great time. We flew in to Mexico City and then bused to our locations.

This morning coming out of Oaxaca City to get to the airport at Mexico City we were delayed a bit because of the protest/strike. Many large vehicles were not running, and were lining the main streets of Oaxaca City (buses, combis, taxis, construction vehicles, etc) to protest the rise in fuel prices. Lucky for us our bus was still running, but it was something to see the solidarity of all the vehicles, drivers, families, and supporters out there letting the government know how they feel.

Puebla de los Angeles was nice, but I like Oaxaca better; actually I like some of the communities around Oaxaca City the most. Very rural, agricultural, lots of open space, and oh the mountain vistas.

Lots of churches on the agenda, along with several arqueological ruins, food always on the menu, and oh the shopping.

More on everything later. I need to get the pictures loaded to the computer. Umm, the mezcal production tour and tasting, the weavers studio demonstration, some many cool things!!!!