I've been holed up at the house for 4 days. It's been GREAT! I didn't actually leave the house for two solid days. I think I really needed time to just veg.
I didn't even do any fun stuff, well I did make more mango chutney; not because I went out, but because Rita rang my bell and had mangos 4 for 10pesos. And I've been making and eating alot of Waldorf type salad; I make it with coconut yogurt instead of mayo, and toasted pecans, oh my gosh, I need to go check and see if there is any left over in the fridge...be right back. Mostly I watched TV, sat in front of the computer, and napped, walked around the garden, napped, sat in front of the computer, and watched TV. I even started re-reading Harry Potter, The Half-Blood Prince because you do know that the movie is to be released in July don't you!
It's been very relaxing. I even blew off Spanish classes, and cooking class. Now Spanish classes are cancelled until after May 6, probably cooking classes as well since they aer put on at a Government Hospital Extension.
I did go out to the vivero yesterday for some plants - and in talking to the young fellow there, Marcello, I brought him back to the house and he's going to start doing some gardening for me. He is so informed about plants. We'll see how this works out!

Today it's back to reality - We both have our annual eye exams today - at 6:30. And I just made plans to see some friends for lunch. Then the merry-go-round starts anew; Entertaining, being entertained, appointments, visitors, etc. It's a great life!
Oh, and I haven't forgotten my promise for some interesting ideas for blogs, I just haven't been out to get it started yet; cuz there have to be photos.