The old Dell Optiplex GX240 that made the trip here to Mexico is dead.
It's poor little hard drive bit the dust.

I'm going to miss you old friend
I was trying to eradicate all the software and personal info so that I could gift it to the housekeeper for her kids. I was hoping that without all the bulky software and pictures and such it would be up to par for a couple of kids to do their homework and maybe a bit of web-surfing, que lastima. Fortunately housekeeper indicates her brother-in-law is a computer tech and she is confident he can put the ole girl to rights for the kiddies.
However, even before this occured I knew the computer was having issues, it was SLOWWWWWWWWWWW, it froze, it gave us the evil blue screen, it was in need of assistance. I had also upgraded the momory to its MAX of 1 GB. Nothing helped. I off loaded photos, deleted software, defragged, everything I could think of - so knew a new computer was needed, immediately!
I consulted with several people and developed a list of must haves, and would really likes.
Then the internet research began. No internet search includes in-store close outs and specials.
I didn't and don't mind last years model. So even though you think you know what you are going after it can all change in a flash once you walk into a store! I am so pleased with what I got, and the single biggest, and nearly only complaint I found in the online reviews is that the shiny surface shows all the finger prints - WAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
I ended up with a Toshiba Satellite P505D model; it has an 18.4 in screen, 400GB hard drive, and 4GB memory - it's FAST! It has graphics, webcam, cardreader for camera cards, Harmen Kardon speakers, built in wireless, and DVD burner, but unfortunately it comes with Windows Vista. I'm dealing with the Vista.
OHHHHH, Look, see how pretty!

Included in this purchase was a new wireless keyboard and mouse, such a light touch to the new keyboard, in fact I am making lots of errors because I had to really bang on the OLD keyboard.
Oh and the second computer is an ACER Netbook, one of the small 3 pounders, it is adorable, and so easy to travel with. I went with the 10.1 inch monitor instead of the 8.9. but still MUST use my readers for the monitor. Oh and it is RED! WooHoo!
Ah electronics - life is good!
One friend departs, and another enters, oh so fickle.