
December's Birthday Girls

On December 23 myself and some friends (3 of the women folk that shared December birth dates) celebrated our birthdays together for a grand ole time.

One of the days events included lunch at a local restaurant that specializes in seafood, La Pigua. It's a lovely place, having had a major renovation in the last few years; all turquoisey and cream, lots of natural stone, turquoise glass, shells, etc. Oh and the food is fabulous. Additionally the service each time we've been in has been top notch. In fact on our birthday day, since there were 8 of us, we had our very own staff person, well I think he did have other tables but he or another seemed to be there always, checking, watching, refilling. We drank way too much wine, ate way too much food, were way too loud, and had way too much fun!

This was my lunch choice, unfortunately I didn't think to photo it until I was well into it!
This is a bouquinette fillet stuffed with huitlacoche and mushrooms, with thin sliced toasted guajillo chili strips and a buttery sesame sauce. DEEEELISH!

Here we are with our complimentary birthday cakes!
No Song, Thank You Very Much!!!!