
Cilantro Cumin Dipping Sauce

AFAD recently held their Annual Fundraiser

Tom and I donated some wine, and made a tray of about 125 botanas for the event.

Nothing super fancy, just skewers with a variety of grape tomatoes, cheese chunks, and black olives. But what was apparently the BIG hit is/was a Cilantro Cumin Dipping Sauce that I make with some frequency.

This sauce is something I just throw together - Now I know I could go out and buy the stuff and make it and do measurements and blah, blah, blah.... but if you know me then you know that won't happen.

Therefore, here is the recipe, as I know it!

One large bunch of cilantro, cleaned and patted dry - do not cut off stems
3-4 large cloves of garlic
juice of 3 limon indios These are sort of like key limes in the USofA, you could use any tart citrus, lemon, lime, sour orange....
1 T cumin seed and 1/2 tsp oregano, toasted
oil - avocado oil is good, olive oil if salad grade, or canola oil. maybe 1/3 cup

salt, pepper

and I like a bit of heat so I add a bit of chili; serrano, habanero, jalapeno, whatever I have, but I always roast it a bit on the comal.

put it all in the food processor and go at it.


Hago esta salsa con frecuencia - lo usamos en todo tipo de cosas - no hay una receta real, por lo tanto, no hay medidas exactos.

Un manojo de cilantro, limpiado y secado - no corte los tallos
3-4 dientes de ajo grandes
jugo de 3 limon indios, jugoso
1 T semillas de comino y 1 / 2 cucharadita de orégano - tostado (este es el secreto, comino y oregano bien tostado)
aceite - aceite de aguacate, de oliva, si el grado de ensalada, o aceite de canola. tal vez 1 / 3 taza

sal, pimienta al gusto,

y me gusta un poco de picante entonces agregar un poco de chile; serrano, habanero, jalapeño, cualquire lo que tengo, pero siempre que asar un poco en el comal.