
The Polo Affair by Sean Hennessey

Sean Hennessey has led an interesting life.  He has done many things in his less than 50 years and I am sure he will do many more.

One of the things he has done recently is to write a book - The Polo Affair - I recently purchased, and read an electronic version of his book. I enjoyed it very much.

For me it was an easy read, the language flowed and was neither to high above nor to far below my level.  I found the character development to be interesting and with enough depth to render them interesting, believable, and in most cases likable;  I wanted to know more about them.  I also found myself interested in and learning a bit about Polo.

I'm not going to say too much more about the book, you need to get it and read it for yourself.   And don't be too surprised when you start hearing about a movie!

Not too long ago Sean hosted a Book Signing, and Reading at his Irish Pub, Hennessey's.  I was not able to make it to that event.  So a few days later, when I saw him at the Pub I asked him to sign my iPad cover, since that is where my copy of his book lives.

He graciously complied!

The Polo Affair - facebook page

The Polo Affair - web page

Buy the Kindle edition of The Polo Affair

Hennessey's Irish Pub