
I really should be studying...

Yes, I really should be...But it's been such a while since I posted, and there has been so much going on...My current clase de español ends Thursday with the final exam, so yes, I really should be studying.

I still don't have a camera, although I think I've decided on a Panasonic Lumix (anyone want to offer comments or suggestions, please do). I was able to borrow a friends battery and test my camera to eliminate the battery as the issue. I GOOGLED my camera and found several with similar issues. The suggestions were to bang the camera on a hard surface, and to restrict the lens as it tried to move when powering the camera on. Seriously, those were the suggestions. I do have a lead on a repair shop here so will be pursuing that as well.

I've been sick, I have some sort of cold, URI, seriously sore throat, blah, blah, blah. I'm getting better, now it's all the aftermath; snort, choke, cough, hack... you get the picture.

We have a friend from Denver in town, he'll be here several months, but only spent a few nights with us, he is now settled into his own little place and out exploring on his own.

There have been a whirlwind of social engagements; one of which was an evening with Jonna and Mimi, Theresa and husband, Wayne, Billie and Ned. Billie and Ned, came over from San Miguel de Allende, Wayne came in from Isla Mujeres, and well the rest of us are Meridanos. It was a lovely evening, Restaurant Reforma, one of Tom's and my favorite is consistently good food. Tom and I thoroughly enjoyed the evening conversing with Mimi, Theresa and husband; Billie, Ned, Wayne, and Jonna being at the other end of the table. We probably should have done a switch around at some point but the evening just went to quickly.

There have been parties, gatherings, concerts, art openings, craft sales, a yard sale, and a myriad other activities. All too tempting to ignore even when under the weather.

The chicks are getting big, not sure just yet what we're going to do with them. Now that we have a puppy I'm not sure I can just let them loose in the back yard which was my original thought.
The cold spell seems to be breaking, we were waking to 68ºf, which I have to tell you that is pretty damn chilly when your blood has thinned. The pool is consistently at 69ºf which is WAY TO COLD for me, although Tom still gets in 6 out of 7 days. We're exploring solar heating for the pool.

Well, enough for now, I really should be studying...