One of the things that was very foreign for me, and required some steeley reserve were the grocery stores. I'm born n bred in the good ole USofA, we put everything in plastic and/or styrofoam; sometimes several layers of it. Imagine my shock, surprise, dismay, and horror at seeing food out, open, and shudder ... touchable.

This is the Entry, carts are to your left
This is the bakery - you can see the trays and tongs there lower mid picture. You use the tongs to place the bakery items you want on your tray, take it to the desk, you can see the guy waiting there in line, and a worker will bag n tag your selections. I had a close up of the pastries which are lovely but lost it trying to resize these photos. Also, on this day after I had taken the 2 photos in the bakery are I was approached and asked not to take photos inside the store. I tried to explain I wanted to show friends NOB our beautiful selection of pastry, but they still said no.
Produce area, you select your fruits n veggies, bag them if you want or leave them loose, and they get weighed at the check out.

This is one aisle in the dry goods area. I was paranoid about getting caught taking pictures again so didn't get any more.
I recently went to my local Chedraui; here a supermarket store is a 'Super', and small market is a 'mercado', and small neighborhood store is a 'tienda'. Chedraui is a grocery chain, but unlike the states they are not all cookie cutter. My Chedraui, on Avenida Itzaes, serves a very different clientele than say the Chedraui Norte. My neighborhood has mostly local born residents, people of modest means. The north end of town has a lot of people from other States, and from other Countries; People with a more elevated income level. This difference shows in the products available. The difference isn't in quality, my carrots are of the same quallity as the north end store. The difference is in the variety of things offered. There are way less prepared and pre-packaged items in my store.
Well the point of this is to show friends NOB (North of the Border) what a typical 'Super' looks like.
This is the Entry and Parking
This is the Entry and Parking
This is the Entry, carts are to your left
One of the areas I couldn't get pictures because it was to busy was in the meat and seafood area. There are your regular freezer chest items, your styro packaged items, your display chests where you tell the person what you want and how much, as well as several open bins of frozen or partially frozen specials of the day. Typically there ia a 4ft x 4ft x 10inch deep chest full of chicken leg thigh, or breasts. You use a bag and gather up what you want then have it weighed. This takes a bit of getting used to, as does the smell. Shoppers tend to use their hands to disgorge the large chunks of skin or fat from the pieces they want to buy, then bag their selections for weighing and purchasing. There are no gloves, no sanitizer, no paper towels. I do purchase meat at Chedraui, I have purchased from these open bins IF the chicken is still more than half frozen, and knock on wood, so far no problems. It's interesting what you can learn to get comfortable with.
Tom and I have both commented on how less concerned with the obsessive nature we once took for granted and expected in the USofA.
Guess you'll just have to come see the rest of the store for yourself.
On the other side of this Chedraui from the first photos you can catch a trici taxi to get you home with your purchases. This Chedraui is only about 6 blocks from me so when I walk it costs me 10 pesos to use a trici taxi. I haven't remembered to get a photo of Enrique with his trici yet; he currently rents the trici but hopes to have his own one day. I have taken photos being driven home by Enrique. He helps me carry in my purchases and I give him a few extra pesos.
This is my view from my perch on Enrique's trici. You can see another trici in front of us.
You can see that Enrique wraps cardboard (carton)
around his ankle to protect his ankle and pants.