
sharing your TA with Telcel friend

So Tom's celphone has been unable to call out the past week, we don't know if it's because he's out of  air time (TA - Tiempo Aire), or duration.  
When you load your prepaid cels here you get an amount of TA that you use within an amount of time, typically about 2 months.

Without duration you can not check TA, which sort of forces you to add more TA just to refresh and add duration.

I checked my cel this AM and found I had over 500 in TA to be used by 12 July.  So I got online with and poked around, couldn't find my answer and spied their echat option.

I completed an e-chat with a service rep in Spanish over the internet.  I am feeling quite invincible at the moment.

And to top that off I was able to transfer 200 TA to Tom's phone.  

I am a Telcel Amigo!

So we just checked Tom's phone - which costs by the way, and he has 5 days of duration, so we will have to buy more TA for his phone, it's a vicious circle.  Maybe I'm not that BIG of an Amigo!

OH - How do you do this!
on your cel keyin the following text message

the 10 digits, with no dashes or spaces of the cel to which you want to send TA

then a blank space and then the amount you want to transfer between 5 and 200, but no symbols on cents

so your text message looks like this

9991234567 175

then you send this message to 7373

you get a message back, and the phone you send TA to gets a message also.